Cindy fritters away her teenage years with her horrible ‘B’FFs, her petit dog Werner and her fatalistic neighbor Danny, in an XXL body. She lives in the Berlin suburb of Schönefeld, where, in addition to the construction of the planned Berlin International Airport BER, Cindy’s hopes and dreams for something more beyond her confines have been put on ice. However, when Cindy one day meets the cosmopolitan engineer responsible for the future airfield, her outlook on life begins to soar. She gets a whiff of the air beyond the world she knows and surprises everyone by breaking free of the suburban shackles – with a cherry tomato between her lips, a candy-apple red dress and thick hips. |
Screenplay: Sylke Enders
Director: Sylke Enders Camera: Benedict Neuenfels Production design: Martina Brünner Costume designer: Claudia Gonzáles Espíndola Make up: Kathleen Asmuss Editing: Katharina Schmidt Casting: Anja Dihrberg Production management: Robert Geisler Editorial staff rbb: Cooky Ziesche & Dagmar Mielke Editorial staff WDR: Andrea Hanke Editorial staff ARTE: Birgit Kämper Producers: Susann Schimk & Jörg Trentmann Co-Producers: Roswitha Ester & Torsten Reglin Starring: Julia Jendroßek, Daniel Sträßer, Uwe Preuss, Ramona Libnow, Judith Engel, Kyra Sophia Kahre and Yung Ngo A credo:film production in co-production with Ester.Reglin.Film, rbb, WDR and ARTE Distribution: farbfilm verleih Cinema premiere: 18 September 2014 Production supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA) and Deutschen Filmförderfonds (DFFF)
Entertainment Kombinat Kerstin Hamm [email protected] |